Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
Principal Investigator P1: "Pioneer Communities: Imagining ComAI and its possible futures" & KP: ComAI Research Space
Dr Andreas Hepp is Professor of Media and Communications and Head of ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research, University of Bremen, Germany. He previously worked at the University of Trier, the University of Karlsruhe (now KIT), the Technical University of Ilmenau and the University of Münster. He was Visiting Researcher and Professor at leading institutions such as the London School of Economics and Political Science, Goldsmiths University of London, Université Paris II Panthéon ASSAS, Stanford University and others. Andreas Hepp’s research focuses on mediatization, datafication, automation of communication / communicative AI, media use and appropriation. He is the author of 12 monographs including “The Mediated Construction of Reality” (with Nick Couldry, 2017), “Transcultural Communication” (2015) and “Cultures of Mediatization” (2013). His latest book is “Deep Mediatization” (2020). He is currently working on a book on digital pioneers to be published by Polity Press.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
ZeMKI, Center for Media, Communication and Information Research
University of Bremen
Universität Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67620
Sekretariat (Ms. Schmidt): +49 421 218-67606
E-mail: andreas.hepp@uni-bremen.de