Nina Wenig
Associated researcher P2 "Interfaces"
Nina Wenig is a research assistant in the Digital Media Lab. She works there as a postdoc and conducts research in various projects on the topic of artificial intelligence in new user interfaces.
Nina studied computer science at the University of Hamburg, wit a focus on cognitive systems and image recognition. She then completed her doctorate at the University of Bremen on automatic and manual image annotation and tagging. Her current research focuses on chatbots, natural language understanding and creative artificial intelligence. She is particularly interested in how humans and machines can create content together and the user experience during the interaction.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
ZeMKI, Center for Media, Communication and Information Research
University of Bremen
Universität Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67620
Sekretariat (Ms. Schmidt): +49 421 218-67606
E-mail: andreas.hepp@uni-bremen.de