Antonia Eichenauer
Research Associate P5 Journalism
Antonia Eichenauer is junior researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) since 2025. She is particularly interested in the future of journalism and public communication.
Antonia studied Culture Work and Arts Management in Potsdam and Futures Research at the FU Berlin. In both her final theses, she focused on the effects of digitalization on journalism. After being part of the editorial team of drehscheibe and head of the youth editorial team of the FUNKE media group, she most recently worked as editor-in-chief for content marketing at the Berlin agency raufeld.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
ZeMKI, Center for Media, Communication and Information Research
University of Bremen
Universität Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67620
Sekretariat (Ms. Schmidt): +49 421 218-67606
E-mail: andreas.hepp@uni-bremen.de