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Communicative Artificial Intelligence (ComAI) The Automation of Societal Communication

Call for applications for 18 doctoral positions in the research unit


How is social communication changing with the profound transformation of the digital media environment through communicative artificial intelligence? What consequences, risks, but also potentials are associated with the widespread use of this new technology in various social domains? The “Communicative AI” (ComAI) research group, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), will be investigating these questions from the perspectives of communication and media studies, sociology, science and technology studies, computer science and law from the beginning of 2025.

The participating research institutions are currently advertising a total of 18 positions (job scopes: DFG 100%, FWF 75%) for research assistants (f/m/d) with a doctoral degree for a period of four years. The respective project-related job advertisements can be found on the research group’s website (https://www.comai.space). Additional documents on the working context and the advantages of doing a doctorate in the research group can also be found there.

The application deadline is September 27, 2024.

Click here for the job advertisements.

Funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)FWF Österreichischer Wissenschaftsfonds


Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
ZeMKI, Center for Media, Communication and Information Research University of Bremen
Universität Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67620
Sekretariat (Ms. Schmidt): +49 421 218-67606
E-mail: andreas.hepp@uni-bremen.de

Uni BremenZeMKI Uni BremenLeibniz Instituts für Medienforschung | Hans Bredow InstitutUni GrazUni Wien